MN-S PMC members responses to questions about the Justice Project
How will you know this body is a success?
Restorative not punitive justice.
The tribunal must be reliable; fluid, transparent and consistent.
There will be reliable, compassionate people in the tribunal who are there to help ensure:
Our values are there;
Important people in our lives, such as our grandparents and elders have rights;
The tribunal must be non judgemental as we raise grandchildren (future generations);
The land is looked after.
Process is knowable; relationships build community.
Sharing circle to get full story; not just law facts:
Speaks to community’s truth;
If they trusted the PMC, they would trust the tribunal as long as they feel involved and included.
The tribunal is transparent; we MUST have experts running this body!
Hand picked experts in their fields;
Social services do not need to be involved.
Why does the tribunal have the final say?
When people have self trust then they know to come here to be included;
When you build it, they will come.
Success must be worthiness in us, in our leaders:
Find something positive;
If it shows progress, we will continue to believe in ourselves.
How would leadership know the adjudication body is trustworthy ?
The body will be transparent and independent:
Good listening skills, factual, emotional, technical;
We will “feel’ the system is right.
Needs to have empathy:
We use it! And trust it;
We trust it if we felt involved (included).
Insecurity means anger- lets fix that:
If leaders trust it others will.
If we were all on the same page and working to a common goal:
Build this - keep investing in it;
It reflects community independence.
How is this body “cultural”?
Community based, has culture in process:
Distinctive in how we treat each other.
Identity is cultural, we want to tell our own stories (agency):
Language; distinction based;
We know we are familiar/families;
We will feel it is Métis;
Based on kinship;
We have voice.
No one size fits all approach:
Witnessed in the room- youth jury gave a story of this in the north;
Metis fiddle song to start court;
Space for families to be part to meeting.
Structures in MNS will be rebuilt.
We restore our communities;
Need locals with a role/voice.
It is restorative.
Registry says who is Métis;
Old laws - we knew our ways and our people; our traplines, fish lines, berry patches; our laws and punishments.
If developed with the right mindset; the tribunal will use laws of the hunt.
Responsibility is part of this:
We must be able to stand on our own two feet;
We stop what is not working.
It must be cultural.
Base it on our distinctions, whatever those might be to each of us.
Provide access to our children to learn our ways through stories; flags; music; Elders; knowledge keepers.